Oak Bay Tea Party Parade – Saturday, June 7 2025

The Tea Party Parade is an Oak Bay tradition. Beginning on Saturday at 10:30 a.m. at Windsor Park, the parade winds through the streets of Oak Bay, ending at Willows Park about 45 minutes later (see parade map).



The Oak Bay Tea Party, in keeping with our “green” initiative, is working toward going balloon-free, and we ask all parade participants to do the same. 2024 was a great success and thank you to all the parade entries for their creative decorating. Get creative again this year!!

Parade Entry Information

Application Forms and information sheets available April 1st, 2025 at the Oak Bay Municipal Hall, 2167 Oak Bay Avenue. All entries must be submitted by no later than June 1st, 2025. Downloads are available here for Entry Form, Parade Rules, and Parade Route.

There is a $75.00 entry fee for Commercial entries, Community entries no fee. Please enclose a cheque made out to: Oak Bay Tea Party Society and mail it along with your completed and signed entry form to the address indicated at the bottom of the entry form. Thank you.

Questions About The Parade?

Please get in touch with John Flatman by email at oakbayteapartyparade@gmail.com or by phone at 250-508-2722.

Law Enforcement Torch Run

We are pleased to have the Law Enforcement TORCH RUN for Special Olympics starting the 63rd Tea Party Parade. The run leaves Windsor Park at 10:15 a.m. and follows the parade route. Registration starts at 9:45 A.M. at Windsor Park. After the run, there will be a pancake breakfast by donation at Windsor Park. For information on how to participate, please click here. Come out and participate in a great cause and then we will see you at the Tea Party!


Do not stop at Willows Beach. Oak Bay Police have directed that parade entrants are not allowed to stop along Beach Avenue. Vehicles must return to Windsor Park to disembark passengers. Groups with small children walking may disperse along one of the side streets past Willows Beach as directed by police. Do not stop on Beach Avenue.

Safety First. All entry equipment must be in good working order and participants must conduct themselves in a safe manner.

Clean Up Your Mess. Parade entries that include animals must clean up immediately after waste production occurs. Other rubbish should collected and taken with you.

Do Not Delay the Parade Flow. Maintain your speed and distance between your group and the entry in front of you. If you stop to perform for the crowd, you must be brief and catch up with the entry in front of you before stopping again. Large gaps in the parade are detrimental to the enjoyment of viewing the parade. Entries causing large gaps in the parade will not be invited back.

Vehicles and Entries Must be Decorated. People remember and speak positively about those entries that are well decorated. This is about giving something special to the community.

Do Not Throw Candy. If you have candy for the children lining the streets, you must have someone in your group take the candy to the side of the road to distribute. Participants must follow directions – provided by police, Tea Party Volunteers and Parade Marshals along the parade route.


Any group not at the Opening Ceremonies to receive their awards, please contact the Parade Marshall, John Flatman at 250-508-2722.

For ease of Parade Marshalling, please see:

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©2025 Oak Bay Tea Party

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